A new entry into the modern family fun zone has entered the picture with a focus on the tech-savvy generation.

No one wants to wander around looking for events and then wait in line to buy tickets just to wait in line again to participate. Amazing Awesome Place is going to leverage modern mobile devices to make event discovery and ticketing hassle-free and hyper convenient.


An account will be required to use Amazing Awesome Place’s mobile application. Some events are age restrictive. Some events require specific liability coverages. Your profile is where your personal and billing information lives.

What is the best way to welcome someone to the app to make them feel invited and comfortable giving the information needed to cover some of these concerns? What does this experience look like? How does a new user navigate through the process?


The style of the app’s onboarding process should elicit the feelings of a funhouse atmosphere through vibrant pop colors mixed with hints to modern digital gaming aesthetics for the motifs.

The information should be simplistic enough to provide fast and easy use while still allowing users to sign up and allowing the app to gather important data such as age and amount of players per account.

There should also be quick payment options to enable players to get started buying tickets and gaming asap.
